The Cathedral of the Pokhrov

(The Protection of the Theotokos {Mother of God})

Commonly called:

St. Basil's Cathedral

The Cathedral of the Pokhrov, Commonly called St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most prominent landmarks in Russia, and one of the most spectacular buildings in the world. It is recognized the world over as a symbol of Russia, and of the Russian Orthodox Church. But what is the Russian Orthodox Church, and what does it have to offer a sophistocated and modern world? Follow these links to find out:

A Brief History of St. Basil's Cathedral

St. Basil's Cathedral (as it is commonly called) is actually the Cathedral of the Protection of the Mother of God (called Theotokos or Bogoroditsa by Orthodox Christians). It has come to have the nick-name of St. Basil's Cathedral, because of the Fool-for-Christ, St. Basil the Blessed, who roamed the streets of Moscow like a prophet in the days of Ivan Grozny (in English, usually translated: "Ivan the Terrible"). St Basil was venerated as a Saint immediately at his repose in the 16th century and was eventually buried beneath the cathedral which now commonly bears his name.

Who is St. Basil?

Coming soon! A Brief account of the life of St. Basil the Blessed, Fool-for-Christ. 

Important places to visit (some links coming soon):